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Based in a fictional French city, "Qui A Le Droit" is a student court métrage. Currently in its pre-production phase, the film's plot revolves around a complex divorce case. As the case unfolds, the characters' past, their insecurities and their mysteries are revealed to the audience. The film is portrayed through a third person perspective, forcing the audience to constantly question, "Who is guilty, if anyone is guilty at all?"





































































































































Releasing February 2015  

Yassine Kabbadj and Sadia Rao are over enthusiastic, strange, sometimes witty and definitely all over the place. Messy would be an understatement. Their brainstorming sessions always transcend their initial thoughts. They started with the simple idea of giving birth to a court metrage, simply a student film. Today, this child is 4 months old and it has an extended family of over 23 eccentric individuals.

“Qui A Le Droit” is Where is Krys? Productions’ first project. Where is Krys? is not exactly a production house. Its office is never constant, as Yassine and Sadia continue to change their choice of cuisine, from frites city to mcdonalds to Sadia’s kitchen table. The entire production “company” runs with two computers and two volatile, yet reliable minds.

Here’s what Where is Krys? has got though: Ideas, lot of ideas, and the passion and dedication to bring those ideas to life. Where is Krys? understands the complications an independent student storyteller goes through. From the budget of the film to using the right lenses, they need guidance. More so for those like Yassine and Sadia, who do not even attend film school.

Yet the stories of such filmmakers are worthy of being shared. Where is Krys? believes that this is where the talent of the future independent cinema industry lies and its aim is to fully tap into this pool of magnificent screenplays.

With the hopeful success of “Qui A Le Droit,” Where is Krys? will be open to accepting new scripts, specifically from independent filmmakers who lack resources. In return, Where is Krys? will provide these individuals with consulting services, and pre-production and production services.

Just a fun fact: Where is Krys? And why are we asking that question?
Yassine and Sadia are everywhere, on screen, off screen, creepily seeping into your life. Okay that’s pushing it.
Their ideas take them to strange places at strange times and it can be quite a task to contact them. They’re not unreliable (also our extremely proficient production manager, Antonia Korkas keeps a strict check on them). They’re just always searching.
So, Where is Krys?



Our IndieGoGo Campaign



Student cinema: where it all begins! Le cinéma étudiant: là où tout commence!


Follow our campaign on indiegogo, as we aspire to collect a 1,000 euros to cover our students debts (incurred while making the film) and also collect funds for film festival entries. Every penny counts and WE COUNT ON YOUR SUPPORT. 


Qui A Le Droit? Short film, indiegogo campaign


Stay connected to our FACEBOOK & TWITTER   pages for updates on the film and the fundraiser! 

Releasing April 30th, 2015  

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